Same-Day Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy: New Treatment That Can Make a Big Difference Did you know that stem cell therapy can help alleviate joint pain and improve mobility in dogs and cats? At Auburn Animal Hospital, we offer a same day stem cell therapy procedure, called Actistem Therapy. Actistem Therapy is a cutting-edge regenerative treatment that utilizes the power of your pet’s own stem cells to promote natural healing and regeneration. What is Actistem? Actistem works by isolating regenerative stem cells from … Read More

Auburn Guidelines During COVID-19

To Our Auburn Family- Because the dynamics of our national effort to prevent the spread of COVID–19 are changing everyday, we will follow the direction of national and state governmental and healthcare agencies. We’re taking proactive steps grounded in the best care for our clients, partners and employees, based in transparency and science, while also doing our part to help stop the spread of the virus. As a veterinary hospital, we maintain heightened standards of cleanliness and sterilization. We assure … Read More

K-Laser – A Drug Free, Surgery-Free Solution

K-Laser – Because it hurts to see our pets hurting Pets suffering from osteoarthritis, joint pain, tendinitis, muscle strains, puncture wounds may find relief with K-Laser therapy. Our veterinarians are specialty trained in laser therapy, and will screen your pets to determine if they’ll benefit from this therapy. What is Laser Therapy? Class IV K-Lasers deliver specific red and near-infrared wavelengths of laser light to induce a therapeutic effect within the body.  Some benefits are increased circulation, decreased swelling, pain … Read More

12 Amazing Reasons Why Dogs Are Good to Help Raise Children

In the new age of millennials with high-tech gizmos and social media, children tend to snuggle up with either their phones, tablets, PCs or laptops and forget that there is a world out there, a real one. This is the time family dogs, or pets, or family members, however you put it, play a major role. Engaging children through the love of a dog Parents have an excuse to bond with their children through their dogs. They can teach responsibility … Read More

Heartworm in Dogs

Recommendations for heartworm are specific to your dog family When and how often dogs should be tested for heartworm infection is a matter of debate. In making the decision on when to test, we consider how common heartworm disease is where your live, and what heartworm preventive care your dogs currently receive.  We also consider your pets’ environment and the mosquito season in Chicago. Heartworm in Dogs The American Heartworm Society (AHS) suggests all adult dogs be tested at the … Read More

Heartworm in Cats

Recommendations for heartworm are specific to your cat family When and how often cats should be tested for heartworm infection is a matter of debate. In making the decision on when to test, we consider how common heartworm disease is where your live, and what heartworm preventive care your cats currently receive. We also consider your pets’ environment and the mosquito season in Chicago. Heartworm in Cats Cats should be tested before they are started on a heartworm preventive. Experts … Read More

Wellness Plans for Your Adult Dogs and Cats

Petly Wellness for Dogs and Cats These plans include necessary examinations, vaccines, laboratory tests and other services essential to protect your dog and cat against illness. An upgraded plan is designed to provide additional services like routine dental cleanings and more extensive annual diagnostics.  Petly doesn’t cover all healthcare cost, but it does make wellness more affordable. Dogs and cats age at a much faster rate than people. For every year that you age, your dog or cat can age … Read More

Kitten and Puppy Petly Wellness

Wellness Plans for Kitten and Puppies Puppies and kittens both inherit a natural immunity from their mother that protects them from birth. This natural immunity continues until about 6 weeks of age.  After 6 weeks, your pet depends on you to continue that protection until their own immune system is fully developed. Your pet’s immunity isn’t fully developed for 12 months.  A Preventative Care Plan is designed to continue that protection by providing all services necessary to carry your young … Read More

Heartworm and Intestinal Parasites

Recommendations for heartworm are specific to your pet family When and how often pets should be tested for heartworm infection is a matter of debate. In making a decision on when to test, we consider how common heartworm disease is where your pets live, and what heartworm preventive pets currently receive.  We also consider your pets’ environment and the mosquito season in Chicago. Heartworm in Dogs The American Heartworm Society (AHS) suggests all adult dogs be tested at the time a heartworm preventive is started.  Then, your dogs … Read More

Vaccinations for Cats

How often should my cats receive vaccinations? You may have heard about the current controversies regarding cat vaccinations. Some researchers believe we do not need to vaccinate annually for most diseases.  But how often we should vaccinate for each specific disease in adult animals has not yet been determined. We do not know how long the protection from a vaccine lasts. It may be 5 years for one disease and 3 years for another. For still others, vaccinations may last … Read More

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